Lesson 02: Three Disciplines for Children John Holt
Question No: 1What makes the discipline of nature a "great teacher"?
Answer: The discipline of nature is a great teacher because the learner never has to wait long for his answer. The answer usually comes quickly. It points out the needed correction. It is impersonal, impartial, and indifferent. It does not give opinions or make judgement. It cannot be terrified and never disappointed. One gets a fresh start with the discipline of nature.
Question No: 2 In paragraph two, the writer says children ´want to do right, unless theybecome convinced they can't do right. µ What are the implications of this statement? What happens to the children who are convinced they can·t doright?
Answer: In paragraph two, the given statement shows the implications of human nature, being obedient to Society or Culture or What People Really Do.It teaches children are desirous to be the part of adult world and do what theysee their elders doing. The statement also implies that the example of allgrown-ups around a child is contagious.The children, who are convinced they can't do right, will try not to do that inthat way. They will either avoid it or will try other ways of doing a certain job.
Question No: 3 What is wrong with the Discipline of Superior Force? Why should we use it as seldom as possible? Why must we have use it sometimes?
Answer: The wrong with the Discipline of Superior Force is that it makes one feel impotent, cowardly, resentful and vengeful.We should use it as seldom as possible because the threat and fear caused by the over use of this discipline may lock the life of a child into babyhood.We must use it (the Discipline of Superior Force) sometimes because it is dangerous to use it again and again. The personality of the child may be collapsed
. Question No: 4 As a young adult, you probably remember experiencing many kinds of discipline while you were growing up. Can you think of any classes besides the ones the writer identifies? Describe some different types of discipline
. Answer: As a young adult, I experienced many kinds of discipline. I can think of some disciplines besides the ones the writer identifies. They include the discipline of family, of school or college, of playground playing games, of various branches of studies, and above all the discipline of sun, moon, stars and all object of nature around us...........
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