Lesson 11:
Isaac Asimov
Question No: 1
What makes the human brain more complex than a computer?
The human brain consists of billions of neurons and small cells.The brain cell has an intricate inner structure. On the other hand a computer hasswitches and components up to thousands in number rather than in billions.This great difference makes the human brain more complex than a computer.
Question No: 2
Can a computer be built that would duplicate the human brain?Explain your answer.
In reality it is not possible to build such a computer that wouldduplicate the human brain. If we suppose for the time being that it is possible tohave a computer like this, then we shall need to build a computer that is at leastcomplex enough to design another computer more complex than itself. Thismore complex computer will make still another more complex computer and soon. This process will continue and a time will come when we will have acomputer that not only will duplicate the human brain but will surpass it.
Question No: 3
What process of the human brain can be duplicated by a computer?
If we take the process of ³thinking´ of human brain in terms of solving a mathematical problem, then that process can be duplicated by acomputer. Most of the mathematical problems can be solved by repeatingcertain straightforward processes over and over again. In this regard, acomputer can do so much even faster than a man.
Question No: 4
Can a computer be creative? Explain your answer.
A computer cannot be creative. If a computer could be madecomplex enough as a human brain, then it can be as creative as we. Thecreativity is a highly complex process of human brain e.g. writing a great play,composing a great symphony, in comprehending a scientific theory or a profound ethical judgment. Thus neither computers nor most humans can doso.
Question No: 5
What might happen to humanity if a computer were built that couldsurpass the human brain?
If a computer were built that could surpass the human brain, thehumanity will then have to step aside gracefully from the job of running theearth. Mankind would hand over their job to such computers who could do thatwell. And if we don¶t step aside, perhaps Supercomputers will simply move inand push us aside
2nd year english notes lesson 10
Lesson 10:
Stanley Wolpert
Question No: 1
What does Professor Wolpert praise Jinnah for?
Professor Wolpert praises Jinnah for his hard struggle, brillianceand inspirational powers in building Pakistan. The efforts made by him have no parallel in the recent history. He was not only the greatest leader of Pakistan but also a great politician of this century. Jinnah is praised by Professor Wolpert for his strong determination and his ability to think accurately andclearly.
Question No: 2
What, according to the writer, was Jinnah·s strongestcharacteristic?
According to the writer, Jinnah¶s strongest characteristic was hislegal acuity and firm resolve, justice and complete impartiality. These qualities did not let Congress leaders to defeat or deflect him. It was due to Jinnah¶sstrongest characteristic and his brilliant strategy which resulted in theindependence of Pakistan.
Question No: 3
What was Jinnah·s strategy during the World War II? What wasGhandi·s strategy? Who do you consider followed the right strategyduring that period of turmoil?
Jinnah¶s strategy during the World War II was to support Britainand the Allied powers. Gandhi¶s strategy was based on terrorist acts, cripplingrailway lines or blowing up British troops. I consider Jinnah followed the rightstrategy during that period of turmoil. Jinnah¶s strategy provided him a chanceto take up constructive steps to build up the nation which led them on the pathof their goal of Pakistan.
uestion No: 4
What, according to Jinnah, is the first duty of the government?
According to Jinnah, the first duty of the government is tomaintain law and order, so that the life, property and religious beliefs of itssubjects are fully protected by the state. The government should try to eradicatethe poison and evil of bribery, corruption, nepotism and jobbery.
Question No: 5
What, according to the writer, was Jinnah·s last fond aspiration? And what turned that ¶hopeful dream into violent reality·?
According to the writer, Jinnah¶s last fond aspiration was to havefriendly and cordial relations between Pakistan and Hindustan. The tragic war over Kashmir started just a few months after partition. This war soon turned thehopeful dream into violent reality.
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